Gardening Tips & Tricks

New to Gardening?: Follow These Expert Tips for First Time Gardeners

by Emma - 9 Dec, 2020

New to Gardening?: Follow These Expert Tips for First Time Gardeners

Do you admire nature but you're lacking a green thumb? Don't worry; you can still grow a beautiful bounty. Use these tips for first time gardeners to start.


Gardening can be a rewarding and relaxing pastime for many who enjoy the outdoors. And this is something that is only increasing in popularity. The National Gardening Survey estimates that up to 77% of American households are involved in gardening in some form.  

However, if you are new to the gardening scene, you probably have plenty of questions and queries about the process of gardening. In this article, we will take you through and explain some expert tips for first time gardeners.

So you no longer need to be afraid of getting your hands dirty or picking up a shovel! Read on to find out a few handy tips on how to get started in the garden.


Don't Be Afraid of Failure

A lot of garden enthusiasts are sometimes put off from attempting things as they are worried that it won't work or the flowers won't grow properly. Gardening is a process of trial and error and there are many factors why something doesn't grow well from one particular year to another.  

The best thing to do is to be brave and try out various different flowers or plants. It's all a learning experience and you will gather so much knowledge along the way. Just keep trying and celebrate the successes you do make. Anything you grow that isn't up to scratch can still be something to build on for the following year. 


Work on Your Soil 

Having a well-nourished soil that is full of nutrients is essential for your plants and flowers to grow. By paying attention to improving the quality of your soil this will help your plants in the long run and be an investment for years to come. 

This can be done by integrating 2 to 4 inches of organic matter such as manure or compost into your topsoil every year. You can also mulch around your plants with leaves, wood, hay, or straw. Mulch retains the moisture and keeps your soil fresh and hospitable for your plants. 


Start Small with a Garden That is Well Kept 

If you are starting out with your garden and your gardening skills, don't overwhelm yourself, to begin with. If you have plenty of space in your garden, it doesn't mean you need to utilize all of it in one go. Start small and plant some quality plants or flowers that you can look after comfortably. 

You don't want to get into a situation where you don't have the time to look after all of your flowering plants or produce because there are too many. Start off smaller and give the plants the care and attention they need and then add to your garden as you become more confident. 


Regularly Check on Your Garden 

The problem with plants and flowers being outside is they are exposed to the elements as well as pests such as slugs and flies. You also have to consider things like weeds and diseases that can affect your crops.

By going around and checking on your garden and doing any watering or prunes required, you are able to see how the individual plants are doing. If there are any issues like pests or weeds, you can deal with them immediately, before it's too late and the plants are damaged. 


Consider Perennial Planting 

If you are interested in growing vegetables or fruits that need a couple of seasons to bear fruit, don't delay in planting them! Things such as fruit trees and asparagus often take years before any results or crops are grown properly.

If you are serious about wanting to have these types of crops in your garden, do it sooner rather than later so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor quicker! 


Add Garden Ornaments and Garden Decor 

If you are gardening for the first time, a great way to make your garden look attractive is to fill the space with garden ornaments. It means that you have less pressure for your plants and crops to bloom knowing you have elements of interest and color in the ground.

Decorative stakes are a fabulous way to integrate garden decor and style that mimic the appearance of flowers but in a fun and unique way. They can be used in tandem with your existing garden attire to really make your garden stand out. 


Start with Seedlings First 

It can be very tempting to want to do all the hard work yourself and start off everything from seed packets. However, by starting from seeds you have the added pressure of transplanting and weather shock conditions which can kill off a crop before you've even properly started.

If you are still new to the gardening game, try out using seedlings that have already been weather-proofed and plant then after the last frost. This will give your crops the best chance of survival and will help you grow in confidence as a new gardener.

It will hopefully bloom and be ready for harvest at the right time and you will be able to enjoy a successful start as a gardening novice. You will also be able to try out harvesting the seeds and attempt a more complicated process the following year!


Tips For First Time Gardeners: Where Can I Find Out More?

Getting out in the fresh air and growing your own produce can be beneficial for your mental well-being. It's also a great source of exercise and can be included in your weekly allotted amount of physical activity you should be undertaking every week. A 30-40 minute gardening session can burn up to 400 calories!

We hope these tips for first time gardeners have been useful in helping you think about starting your own garden projects. If you have any questions or queries about any of our garden products, contact us directly!

